Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Release of Barbazul

I am very happy to announce the release to Download and DVD of my film Barbazul!

Below is the Official Trailer, the naughty bits are blurred out so your eyes don't bleed from shock...

You can see the uncensored version on

1 comment:

  1. A warning to all women in Jac's life:
    "Never get in the goose boat with him!"

    Perhaps not as rough as Malificarum but the end
    was well worth waiting for. Mila's fate was to be expected but the actions of the final girl
    were a complete surprise. And her looks made her
    a nice casting for the part she was to play. The
    color, film quality, and sound were very nice -
    better than "Marquis". (I thought Marquis had some sound sync issues)Locations were also very
    complimentary and well chosen. I admit I would
    have liked more spice -especially in the middle.
    But I am very pleased to recieve it and have
    already burned it to dvd so I can enjoy the nice
    photography, editing, and story on my flat screen. Thank you!
    -Andrew(no url)
