Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Premiere of Dead But Dreaming

I'm late? It's because I spent 45 minutes applying this red lipstick.
Last night's premiere of Dead But Dreaming (Muerta Pero Soñando) in the Multicine movie complex in La Paz, Bolivia was a complete success! Lots of people loved the film and I received many big hugs and congratulations afterward for my acting, and production work/costumes/etc, in the film.

Before the premiere. With some sexy stockings.
Many people told me that they were astounded by the movie, and completely taken with the new, fresh, original vampire myth that Jac has created, the production values, and the acting in the film.

Strangely enough I don't usually have an opinion of my own acting in many films. I figure I did my best, it's cool, I'm fine with it, satisfied with what's there. Sometimes surprised that I managed to pull it off, in the case of Maleficarum.

It's different with Dead But Dreaming. I'm extremely proud of my acting, I found my performance convincing, moving even. That's interesting to me.

I'm very proud of the work that everyone put into the film, my fellow actors, crew, and especially Miguel Inti Canedo, our cinematographer. The images are so beautiful to be overwhelming, almost unreal.

I put together a little video showing the crowds before the premiere, and the party afterward for your viewing enjoyment!


  1. Congratulations on your premier!
    I hope it was everything you hoped for.
    The crowd looked eager and having a good
    time which is how it should be. Glad they
    gave you a good sized venue for the film too.
    Last but not least - You fancy up pretty good!


    1. Thanks, Andrew! The premiere went really well, lots of people hugged me after the movie, and congratulated me for my acting. They felt really sorry for my character!

  2. Big congrats on the film. and the red lipstick is stunning.

  3. Thanks! The lipstick was a hit. :)

  4. Congratulations on your successful premiere. Somehow I doubt I will have much sympathy for your character, but will be very interested in your acting and performance...that is, when it becomes available.

    Red becomes you.

    1. Thank you, Charles! I anticipate your review.

    2. Dare I ask?
      Any idea of when Dead but Dreaming will be out on VOD?

      Success to you!


    3. Hi Andrew, We have a release date of August 30th, but it may be even sooner! :)

  5. Love your work and all you & JJ do.
    Can't wait and wish you and your crew
    many more productions to come and BIG

